Marching girls

In New Zealand and Australia, a competitive sport involving teams of marching girls grew up and became established from the 1930s.

Marching combines military precision with formations and elaborate costumes.

The sport had its origins during the Depression of the 1930s when teams were formed to keep young women fit and healthy. The sport became more organised during the 1940s with a system of scoring developed to ensure teams could compete against one another. Points were deducted for lack of precisions, dressing, movement and length of pace. At its peak marching competitions drew large crowds of spectators.

Teams marched not only in competitions but frequently appeared in parades and social occasions such as blossom festivals, A&P Shows and car race events.

Marching was the inspiration behind the television series Marching Girls which was developed for Television New Zealand and screened in New Zealand in 1987.

The Australian Marching Association (AMA) and Marching New Zealand (MNZ) are the main officiating organizations. Teams compete in the U/9, U/12, U/17, Senior and Masters sections in the PDR, Freestyle, Exhibition, Prop Precision, TDR, March Past and Set Drill routines in Australia. In New Zealand teams compete in the kiwi, Fernz, U/12, U/16, Senior, Master and leisure grades in the Review and Inspection, Technical and Display drills.

The sport has lost many members in recent years, this has led to its decline in many areas of Australia and New Zealand.

See also

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